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Ähnliche Erlebnisse
1. Der Vatikan & die Sixtinische Kapelle: Skip-the-Line-Last-minute-Tickets
em , Son, 9 Mär 2025 - Sam, 29 Mär 2025Von CHF 36.50
2. Kolosseum & Forum Romanum: Geführte Höhepunkte - 3 Stunden
em , Son, 9 Mär 2025 - Mit, 31 Dez 2025Von CHF 46.30
3. St. Petersdom: Kuppelbesteigung und Krypta der Päpste mit Reiseführer
em , Son, 9 Mär 2025 - Don, 4 Sep 2025Von CHF 52.00
4. Kolosseum, Forum Romanum & Palatinhügel: Reservierter Eintritt + Audioguide
em , Son, 9 Mär 2025 - Don, 4 Sep 2025Von CHF 31.60
5. Kolosseum, Gladiatorenarena, Forum Romanum und Palatinhügel: Geführte Tour
em , Son, 9 Mär 2025 - Don, 4 Sep 2025Von CHF 68.20
6. Pantheon: Skip-the-Line
em , Son, 9 Mär 2025 - Son, 31 Aug 2025Von CHF 12.40
7. Der Vatikan und die Sixtinische Kapelle: Fast-Track-Ticket
em , Son, 9 Mär 2025 - Don, 4 Sep 2025Von CHF 41.50
8. Der Vatikan und die Sixtinische Kapelle: Skip-the-Line
em , Son, 9 Mär 2025 - Sam, 7 Jun 2025Von CHF 37.60
9. Big Bus Hop-on Hop-off Rom
em , Son, 9 Mär 2025 - Mit, 4 Mär 2026Von CHF 37.10
10. The Catacombs of San Sebastiano: Guided Tour
em , Son, 9 Mär 2025 - Son, 4 Mai 2025Von CHF 16.60
Ähnliche Kategorien
Castel Sant’Angelo: Fast Track
The austere stone passageways of this ancient building are appropriately funereal - it was built as a mausoleum for Emperor Hadrian.
It then became a papal palace in the 14th century. It's adorned with countless Renaissance murals, paintings, and statues.
Climb up to the rooftop for incredible views of Rome and beyond
-Enjoy the mausoleum, the monument, and the museum
-Climb up to the rooftop for incredible views of Rome
-Skip the line
Was kann ich erwarten?
On the banks of the Tiber stands a towering cylindrical structure steeped in history – it’s a mausoleum, a monument, and a museum. Get these skip-the-line Castel Sant'Angelo tickets and step back into the drama of Rome's history. Plus, get amazing rooftop views of the Eternal City!
A visit to Castel Sant'Angelo is an incredible journey into Rome's history. What once housed the remains of Emperor Hadrian (and the emperors up to Caracalla) is now one of Rome's top attractions.
Just show your skip-the-line Castel Sant'Angelo tickets and see how this Castel changed along with Rome. As well as a mausoleum, it's also been a palace, a fortress, a prison, and the dramatic setting for Puccini's opera Tosca.
The downstairs is cold and cramped, but the upper floors are a whole different story. Check out the lavish Renaissance interiors (look up for the murals!), and the Museo Nazionale di Castel Sant'Angelo with its collection of art and military memorabilia.
Wie funktioniert´s?
How do I get my tickets?
Your e-ticket will be emailed directly to you shortly after your booking is complete. Bring a printed copy, or present the ticket via your mobile phone.
Adult (18+)
Child (0-17)
Last admission: 1 hour before closing
Buchen Von CHF 23.30
E-Ticket akzeptiert
Zeit sparen - Schlange umgehen
Last admission: 1 hour before closing
Was ist inkludiert?
-Fast track entrance
-Access to permanent and temporary exhibitions
Deutscher Kundenservice

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